Press coverage

Deterministic photonic quantum computation in a synthetic time dimension, Optica (2021).

Covered by press releases in InsideQuantumTechnology, EurekAlert!, Stanford News,, ScienceBlog, bestpicksapuestas, New Atlas, Communications of the ACM, SpaceDaily, : “Stanford engineers propose a simpler design for quantum computers”.

Stanford Daily coverage and popular summary: “Stanford researchers propose cost-effective, optical quantum computer design”.

A  single  photonic  cavity  with  two independent physical synthetic dimensions, Science (2020).

Covered by several media outlets including — Stanford News Headlines — Futurity — Swiss Quantum Hub — Space daily — EurekAlert with variants of the story: “Next Era of Computing:  What if We Could Teach Photons to Behave Like Electrons?”

Summary in Science:  “Optically contorting into new dimensions.”

ScienceBreaker popular summary:  “Making non-magnetic photons feel a taste for magnetism.”

Arbitrary linear transformations for photons in the frequency synthetic dimension, Nature Communications (2021).

Covered by press releases in, NanoWerk, TechExplorist, InterestingEngineering, Engineering & Technology magazine: “Engineers create device for fine-tuning individual photon color”.

Higher-order  topological  insulators  in  synthetic dimensions, Light:  Science & Applications (2020).

Covered by press releases in, EurekAlert and ScienMag: “Synthetic Dimensions Enable A New Way To Construct Higher-Order Topological Insulators.”

Inverse-designed  non-reciprocal pulse router for chip-based LiDAR, Nature Photonics (2020).

Covered  by  press  releases  in  Stanford  Engineering  News  —  ArsTechnica  —  —  ScienceDaily — EurekAlert — SpaceDaily — AllAboutCircuits — CleanTechnica: “Could shrinking a key component make autonomous cars affordable?”

Highlighted by Optics & Photonics News as among the most interesting peer-reviewed optics research in its annual feature: Optics in 2020: Nonreciprocal devices in silicon photonics

On-chip dual comb source for spectroscopy, Science Advances (2018).  

Covered  by  press  releases  on  several  media  outlets  including  EurekAlert — Science Daily — — Columbia Engineering news — Laser Focus World with variants of the story: “Dual frequency comb generated on a single chip using a single laser

Optics and Photonics News“Single chip, single laser, dual comb.”

Broadband enhancement of thermal radiation, Optics Express (2019).

Covered by Laser Focus World.